Don’t let this be you! Common driving mistakes

As a new driver in Arizona, it's important to be aware of the common driving mistakes that can lead to accidents and violations. At Deer Valley Driving School, we understand the importance of safe driving and aim to educate teen parents on the common driving mistakes to avoid on Arizona roads. Here are some of the most common driving mistakes in Arizona and how to avoid them.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents in Arizona, and it's illegal to text or use a handheld device while driving in the state. To avoid distracted driving, it's important to put away your phone while driving and limit other distractions like eating or grooming while behind the wheel.

Speeding in School Zones

Speeding in school zones is a common driving mistake in Arizona that can lead to accidents involving children. Always obey school zone speed limits and watch for crossing guards and children walking or biking to school.

Following Too Closely

Tailgating, or following too closely behind the vehicle in front of you, is a common driving mistake in Arizona that can result in rear-end accidents. To avoid tailgating, maintain a safe following distance of at least three seconds behind the vehicle in front of you.

Failure to Yield to Pedestrians

Arizona law requires drivers to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in crosswalks. Failing to yield to pedestrians is a common driving mistake in Arizona that can lead to accidents and violations. Always watch for pedestrians and be prepared to stop when approaching crosswalks.

Running Red Lights

Running red lights is a dangerous driving mistake in Arizona that can result in serious accidents. Always come to a complete stop at red lights and wait for the green light before proceeding.

Improper Lane Changes on Freeways

Improper lane changes on Arizona freeways, such as failing to signal or cutting off other drivers, can result in accidents. Always use your turn signals and check your mirrors before changing lanes on freeways.

Failing to Check Blind Spots

Failing to check your blind spots when changing lanes or turning is a common driving mistake in Arizona that can lead to accidents. Always check your blind spots by looking over your shoulder before making any maneuvers.

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a dangerous driving mistake in Arizona that can result in serious accidents and legal consequences. Arizona has strict DUI laws, and it's illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or higher. Never drink and drive or drive under the influence of drugs.


By understanding and avoiding these common driving mistakes on Arizona roads, teen parents can become safer and more responsible drivers. At Deer Valley Driving School, we offer comprehensive driver education courses to help new drivers develop safe and responsible driving habits specific to Arizona. Contact us today to learn more about our driving school and how we can help you become a safe and confident driver on Arizona roads. Remember, safe driving starts with you, and by avoiding these common driving mistakes, you can help keep yourself and others safe on the road.


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